Should The U.S. Show Compassion for Syrian Refugees?

The New York Post author, James S. Gordon, states that we should show compassion to the Syrian refugees because it would be helpful and hopeful. Although it would, in fact be extremely helpful and hopeful to the refugees, I believe that it would not be worth the risk of opening our borders to ISIS. People may think they know everything going on in the middle east at this time, but the truth is, no one knows. ISIS is not a country therefore they can remain “under the radar” very easily.

This affects me because I have never had to live with a war going on on our turf. The last war fought on American soil was the Civil War and if we opened our borders to Syrian refugees which could very well be opening our borders to ISIS, we are making ourselves very likely for attack.

This affects the world because if a war starts on American soil, rather than it being fought in Europe, ISIS becomes even more of a world issue, which is just what they want. ISIS wants to be the big shots who can pretty much “rule the world.”

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